(This page will be updated often as more questions arise)
Q: Is This FDA Approved?
A: No this product is not FDA Approved
Q: Who is this for?
A: This meathod is for any women with a vagina ages 18-70 That have experienced sex, miscarriages, terminated pregnancies,STD's, BV etc, yeast infections
Q: Who is this not for?
- Women that are virgins
- Women that are Pregnant
- Women that are breastfeeding
A:**For Women that would like to use this product and that are on IUD's you can use it but we strongly advice you to caution in some cases it can cause your IUD to come out. **Not in all cases but some
Q:Can I use while on my menstrual cycle?
A: No you cannot. Use 3 or more days after cycle has ended.
Q:Can I have sex while detoxing?
A: No you cannot. We urge our clients to wait apprx 2 days after the detoxing process is complete. Atleast 24hours if you just cant wait
Q: Should I be doing anything while detoxing?
A: I urge my clients to drink a lot of water (atleast half your body weight in ounces) during this detox process to aid in removing these toxins from your body.
Q: Should I keep my yoni pearls in while peeing and while showering?
A. Yes